Are you sick of eating prito and de lata? We understand. That’s why we’re here to help you enjoy a quick and easy dinner recipe. Order from Fresh O...
Many foreign travelers seek the Philippines’ warm hospitality and crystal-clear beaches as a famous tropical destination. Aside from that, our coun...
Taco bout yummy merienda! Try this delightful recipe with friends and family.
Transform your regular chicken meal to this sweet and sour dish! Follow this simple recipe and enjoy its savory flavor.
This recipe is the stuff dreams are made of! Savory, sweet and garlicky, you will be licking your fingers clean.
Want to make an egg-citing and ham-azing breakfast meal for the family? Try this Ham Pizza in an Egg Crust recipe for a delicious and energizing mo...
1. In a medium pot, sauté onion with oil until it becomes translucent. Season with rock salt.
1. Melt the butter in a pan on medium-high heat.
- Heat Ulam Mismo! Sisig in pan.
1. Sauté Ulam Mismo! Sisig and taco powder. Set aside. . .
1. Sauté onions, liver, Ulam Mismo! Sisig in a pan. Set aside. . .
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